The ABCs of Boron
We just need the first three letters of the alphabet to summarize the history of Boron. Aviation, Boron, and Cars. Most people know about "A" and "B." Edwards AFB is a hot bed of aviation history and the Boron Aviation Museum is brimming with memories and surprising artifacts. Boron, the namesake of this community, has been mined since 1927 and has now grown into the world's largest boron mine. The 20 Mule Team Museum takes you back in time and into the lives of miners.
What has been forgotten is that 20 Mule Team Road was once Route 66 and then, in 1928, switched to a spur of it, Route 466. The neon signs that once welcomed weary Okies on their way to a better life or summoned a hungry traveler to stop for a bite to eat still line this spur of the Mother Road. Join us on a tour as we bring these signs and sights back to life.